No System 1999/2020
Photographs of the book, No System
(Steidl, 1999).
To buy FUTURE FANTASY from Vinca Petersen’s book shop click here. Vinca Petersen interviewed by Sheryl Garratt – Future Fantasy (Ditto 2017) This book uses material from the very start of my archive, a small collection of about 100 photographs I’d kept from my teens and early 20s, along with my diaries. I…
A Life Of Subversive Joy 2019/2021
A Life of Subversive Joy – A 23m long installation using 600 photos and 200 pieces of ephemera to tell the story of Petersen’s life of raving, roaming and humanitarian projects. Installation first shown at Saatchi 2019, due to be shown at V&A Dundee 2020/21. A highlight of ‘Sweet Harmony: Rave…
Deuce and a Quarter – IDEA 2018
Deuce and a Quarter (Idea, 2018) In 1999, Corinne Day was paid to do a road trip in Texas. She spent most of her budget on a car, the rest on our flights, and four of us all piled into this car and just drove from Houston down to Austin. We followed the Llano…
Horses & Carts 2015
Photos of Roma, and other Romanians, and their horses, taken from the FYP bus.
TO BOOK A DrJOY / ArtNurse+ CLINIC IN YOUR AREA CONTACT US VIA CONTACT FORM DoctorJoy+ and the Emergency. I am responding to an emergency, not only within myself but within our culture and society as a whole. WHEN DID JOY BECOME SUBVERSIVE? We have been stripped of so much of our joyousness and the…
Future Youth Project
Link to the FYP website containing all Petersen’s FYP photographic galleries & information.
Africa with a Bouncy Castle 2004
A journey across West Africa taking a bouncy castle as a form of Laughter Aid.
Raves & Riots 1990-2004
Raves & Riots 1990-2004 – Description required
Convoy to Chernobyl 2000
The first journey to Ukraine with volunteers and two 7.5 ton lorries full of aid…
23 – Teknivals
23 Teknivals from Zena Merton on Vimeo.